The biggest variety of rare seeds from mexico, we are the number one seed provider, now you can Order from your country! Pay Easy! via Paypal and order now your seeds!
We ship via international Mexican postal service, you ever receive your order with the Premium Paypal verified seller Certify. ORDER NOW! WE SHIP FAST TO YOUR ADDRESS.
Rare endemic variety of Guarana, this time came from Central Veracruz In Mexico. easy to grow, we ship Fresh seeds into a Moist peat moss sealed bag, you receive it already sprouted. only available at feb-apr.
Semillas frescas de la Increible planta de stevia, una planta que produce azucar que no afecta a los diabeticos y ademas no tiene calorias. una de las plantas mas buscadas del mundo! semillas 100% frescas y vivas!
Arbol sagrado de origen chino, es el arbol de mas rapido crecimiento del mundo asi mismo el que mas absorve CO2. rapido crecimiento, arboles de 2 metros en 1 año.
Endemic cotton plant from Veracruz Mexico, The King of plants found this rare & amazing variety in the Most rare hot and dry mountains of Central Veracruz in Mexico. This inusual brow cotton grows in Acazonica-Veracruz-Mexico! Grow it now in your own Garden! save it from Extintion.
Fresh new seeeds ready to plant at your garden. We ship Worldwide!
Cachichin is a weird kind of edible nut. Its origin is the southern state of Veracruz in Mexico. A special tropical cloudy forest area called Misantla. The Flavor remembers the Peanuts or Cahew nuts. Easy to grow