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1 Bursera simaruba Live tree - Gumbo limbo for sale jiñocuabo, palo mulato
1 Bursera simaruba Live tree - Gumbo limbo for sale jiñocuabo, palo mulato
1 Bursera simaruba Live tree - Gumbo limbo for sale jiñocuabo, palo mulato
1 Bursera simaruba Live tree - Gumbo limbo for sale jiñocuabo, palo mulato
1 Bursera simaruba Live tree - Gumbo limbo for sale jiñocuabo, palo mulato
1 Bursera simaruba Live tree - Gumbo limbo for sale jiñocuabo, palo mulato
1 Bursera simaruba Live tree - Gumbo limbo for sale jiñocuabo, palo mulato
1 Bursera simaruba Live tree - Gumbo limbo for sale jiñocuabo, palo mulato

1 Bursera simaruba Live tree - Gumbo limbo for sale jiñocuabo, palo mulato

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Gumbo limbo tree is Native Medicinal tree from the tropical jungles of veracruz, In mexico. Plant your own !

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Cientific Name :Bursera simaruba

Gumbo-limbo is a very useful plant economically and ecologically. It is well adapted to several kinds of habitats, which include salty and calcareous soils (however, it does not tolerate boggy soils). Due to this fact and its rapid growth, B. simaruba is planted for various purposes, notably in coastal areas. In addition, gumbo-limbo is also considered one of the most wind-tolerant trees, and it is recommended as a rugged, hurricane-resistant species in south Florida. They may be planted to serve as wind protection of crops and roads, or as living fence posts, and if simply stuck into good soil, small branches will readily root and grow into sizeable trees in a few years. However, it has been noted in Central America that posts do not produce a tap root, only side roots, thus questioning the real value of wind protection as such fence posts would not be as sturdy as a true, naturally occurring sapling. In addition, gumbo-limbo wood is suitable for light construction[7] and as firewood, and the tree's resin, called chiboucachibou or gomartis,[5] is used as glue, varnish and incense.[3][6] Gumbo-limbo is the traditional wood used for the manufacture of carousel horses in the United States.

The arils are an important source of food for birds, including many winter migrants from North America. Local residents such as the masked tityrabright-rumped attilablack-faced grosbeak and, in Hispaniolapalmchat, seem particularly fond of gumbo-limbo fruit, as are migrants like the Baltimore oriole or the dusky-capped flycatcher. Especially for vireos such the red-eyed vireo, it appears to be a very important food at least locally and when ripe fruit are abundant. Especially notable is the fact that many migrant species will utilize gumbo-limbo trees that are in human-modified habitat, even in settlements. This creates the opportunity to attract such species to residential areas for bird watching, and to reduce the competition for gumbo-limbo seeds in an undisturbed habitat which rarer local resident birds might face. In addition, gumbo-limbo's rapid growth, ease and low cost of propagation, and ecological versatility makes it highly recommended as a "starter" tree in reforestation, even of degraded habitat, and it performs much better overall in such a role than most exotic species.[3][8]

The resin is also used as a treatment for gout, while the leaves are brewed into a medicinal tea.[6]Hexane extracts of the leaves have been shown to possess anti-inflammatory properties in animal tests.[9][10] Gumbo-limbo bark is also considered an antidote[citation needed] to Metopium toxiferum

An really interesting tree

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We ship only good trees, in a peat moss pack, very protected for longs travel over the world., Buy with us.



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